Study targets

The overarching goal of the Automotive Engineering M.Sc. program is,

  • to produce individuals whose expertise in the field of mechanical engineering is geared towards the development of automobiles.

They should take on a leading role in the efficient use and further development of the technologies and methods available in this field. In addition, new developments in the field of alternative drive concepts are increasingly coming to the fore.

Qualification goals

In order to take ona leading role as an automotive development engineer in the specific areas of responsibility of the profession - in particular development, planning and design, but also in production and sales, students on the Automotive Development M.Sc. degree program acquire and deepen the following qualifications:

  • Ability to think scientifically and critically with interdisciplinary references.
  • Ability to think and act in an interdisciplinary, system-oriented manner on the basis of sound engineering fundamentals and solid basic knowledge of mechanical engineering and automotive engineering.
  • Ability to model complex technical relationships and master strategies for solving complex problems.
  • Ability to develop scientific engineering knowledge and apply it as a qualified manager in the automotive industry.
  • Ability to develop theoretical correlations and transfer them to related fields.
  • Ability to develop modern automotive engineering components and systems and to implement them using suitable tools,
  • Ability to design and realize or adapt automotive components, modules and subsystems, taking into account the specific properties of the materials.
  • Ability to organize and manage processes in development and production.

The course is offeredin cooperation with leading companies in the German automotive industry. This ensures a practice-oriented design with a balanced scientific-theoretical component. Thanks to the support of the industry, it is possible to make the study conditions very attractive.

The course offers graduates of the Bachelor's degree course in General Mechanical Engineering the opportunity to deepen their knowledge of engineering science. However, it is also open to Diplom graduates from universities of applied sciences and Bachelor graduates from other engineering disciplines in mechanical engineering

The course provides access to the higher civil service and qualifies students for doctoral studies at German or foreign universities.

Do you have any questions?

Adam Jakobczyk


Zurzeit leider nur kontaktfreie Sprechstunden auf Anfrage.

Portrait: Jakobczyk, Adam (Stud. FBMK)

MK student council

Schöfferstraße 3
Building C 12, Room 01.18

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