
Gold partners - our alumni

Alumni - the heart of our department! Since 1971, we have released thousands of graduates into industry who have risen to the highest levels of management along a wide variety of career paths. How did they manage this? What challenges did they overcome? We are proud of their success stories and of the fact that they stay in touch with us and their department.

Because our alumni are more than just a network. They are important partners in our research projects, members of institute advisory boards and the advisory board for the dual study program. They give talks at our events and are available for discussions. They support us and our young graduates by opening doors to their companies and using our expertise.

And our alumni benefit from us too! We offer excellent facilities and expertise in cooperation projects. They also enjoy our alumni celebrations such as the K-Fete for plastics technology. A special highlight is the presentation of the golden diploma 50 years after graduation by the Presidential Board of the university and the Dean's Office of the Department of Mechanical and Plastics Engineering.

We are proud of our alumni and what they have achieved. We are motivated to continue and constantly improve our work in order to write even more success stories. Are you ready to be part of this story? If you would like to become part of our alumni community, you are welcome to join the LinkedIn group "Hochschule Darmstadt Kunststofftechnik". We look forward to meeting you!