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The ikd at polymertec18

From 13 to 15 June 2018, the Institute of Polymer Technology Darmstadt was once again represented at polymertec, an international scientific conference on polymer materials that takes place every two years in Merseburg. polymertec was organized by the Halle-Merseburg Plastics Competence Center and Merseburg University of Applied Sciences together with the Institut für Polymerwerkstoffe e.V. and the Stiftung Akademie Mitteldeutsche Kunststoffinnovationen. The traditional "Deformation and fracture behavior of plastics" seminar was also held for the 16th time as part of polymertec.

This year's polymertec focused on the following topics

  • Plastics technology and polymer processing,
  • polymer analysis, plastics testing and diagnostics,
  • polymer applications and plastic products and
  • The problem seminar "Deformation and fracture behavior of plastics".

Around 260 participants were registered for polymertec, 122 lectures were held over three days in up to four parallel sessions and 57 posters were presented in a separate session.

The Institute of Polymer Technology Darmstadt was represented with one lecture and 4 posters.


  • Moneke, Seeger, Stengler, Capability of Scratch Testing


  • Seeger, Moneke, Concept of transferring macro- and microstructure of human skin to polymer skin to improve its tribological and environmental interactions
  • Schröder: Determination of characteristic data to consider the viscoelastic flow behavior of plastic melts in melt distribution systems
  • Fleschutz, Dill, Weinlein, Influence of PHB on the crystallization behavior of PA 6-PHB blends
  • Ganzwind, Dill, Müller-Roosen, Development of a novel rapid prototyping system for the production of fuel lines

The contributions of the Institute of Polymer Technology Darmstadt are based on research projects of Professors Schröder, Müller-Roosen and Moneke. If you have any questions about the contributions or are interested in cooperation projects, please do not hesitate to contact them.


Link to the polymertec18 conference: