Prof. Dr.-Ing. Jörg Kiesbauer


Personal details

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Jörg Kiesbauer has 25 years of industrial experience, most recently as a member of the SAMSON R&D Board. After studying general mechanical engineering at TU Darmstadt, he received his doctorate in 1991 as part of the SFB New Integrated Mechanical-Electronic Systems for Mechanical Engineering.

He has been a professor in the Department of Mechanical Engineering at h_da since October 2017 and has headed the Institute IM2SMechanical and Mechatronic Systems since February 2019. He also has a lectureship in actuator technology for process automation at TU Darmstadt.

In addition to numerous contacts with associations such as VDMA, ZVEI, NAMUR and VDI, he is a member of the program committee of the VDI Automation Conference and the advisory board of atp magazine. He is deputy chairman of the DKE working group K 963 actuators for flowing substances.